Monday, May 16, 2011

Type 2 pre-diabetes or vulnerable? Put a type 2 diabetes08/29/2009:: Miscellaneous
Type 2 pre-diabetes or vulnerable? Put a type 2 diabetes prevention program to work for you now!
Type 2-diabetes is rampant in the U.S. Even children are now being diagnosed with type 2-diabetes, which used to be called 'adult onset' diabetes. It is known that certain ethnic groups such as Native Americans and African Americans have statistically higher than other ethnic groups. This disease also tends to run in families.
If you have a family history of diabetes or are genetically vulnerable, you'd be smart to put a type 2 diabetes prevention program in place now. Doctors say that the cause of this condition is unknown. But so many studies show that most of the people who develop type 2-diabetes, eating a diet that is filled with sugar, together with an excess of the wrong kind of carbs. This seems to point the finger at diet and sugar, in particular, as likely culprits.
It is interesting to note that the sugar was almost unknown in traditional Native American and African diets. In fact, people who emigrate to the United States from a region where sugar is used very little (type 2-diabetes is relatively non-existent among these people) and adapt to the Western diet, quite often develop type 2 diabetes.
Such a program can be considered as a preventive step. After all, when you're diagnosed, your doctor will place you on a diet, just trying to keep pace with insulin management and damage control. You'll be counting carbs every time you sit down to eat. So working towards a type 2 diabetes prevention diet style is probably a good idea. You can never have a diagnosis of type 2 as a direct result.
Eating three large meals a day are far more taxing on your pancreas than five or six small meals. The pancreas helps the body metabolize food and regulate insulin, so it's clear that your pancreatic function will be healthier if you give it a break.
Kidney disease and deterioration go hand in hand with diabetes. This makes drinking lots of water on a daily basis a good practice for your type 2 diabetes prevention program. Water flushes your kidneys of toxins, so keep them healthy.
Anyone diagnosed with type 2-diabetes is a sugar fan. Soda is one of the most popular drinks with sweet things like candy, not far behind. Try to cut your sugar intake. If you drink three sodas a day, cut back to two, one. All food and drinks with refined sugar is bad for you! Try replacing a piece of cake with a piece of fruit or yogurt. Gradually reduce your sugar. Your body will adapt to the new scheme of things beneficial to your health.
The fiber found in fruits and vegetables will keep your digestive system in good health. The antioxidant vitamins and minerals that are valuable in cancer prevention too. The fibers also flushes toxins from your body. As you improve your overall health, and such type 2 diabetes prevention strategies, all of your metabolic functions better.
Doctors stress the importance of exercise for diabetes patients. Poor circulation is a signature of diabetes and may exacerbate some of the complications of type 2-diabetes, such as nerve damage. So begins a regular exercise program now rather than later.
Do not wait until you get a type 2-diagnosis. Use these guidelines to formulate a sensible type 2 diabetes prevention regimen. You will certainly be healthier and you may never develop this difficult and life-threatening condition.

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