Monday, May 30, 2011

Diabetes | How many types of diabetes are there?

In diabetes mellitus there are several main groups:

*Diabetes mellitus type 1: It can affect people of all ages but is most common in children and young adults. Usually diagnosed before 30-40 years. Usually has an abrupt onset, with plenty of symptoms. In people with type 1 diabetes your pancreas can not produce enough insulin. Require injections of insulin to control blood glucose levels and to live. your pancreas does not produce enough insulin

 *Diabetes mellitus type 2: This guy is the one that affects, to 90-95% of people with diabetes. Is the most common in adults and the elderly, although it is beginning to describe his appearance in children and adolescents. Usually diagnosed over 30-40 years. Clinical course is often insidious, and is diagnosed after many years of suffering without knowing it. It is characterized but their pancreas produces insulin (sometimes in excess of normal) your body can not effectively use the insulin it produces. There is a significant hereditary component. In this type of diabetes, some insulin is produced but not enough or not working properly to take up glucose into the cells. This type of diabetes can be controlled with a diet plan and physical activity, losing weight if overweight or obese. In some cases it may be necessary to control the use of pills (oral antidiabetic drugs), and over the years, many patients may end up pricking specifying insulin to control blood sugar.

 *Gestational Diabetes: Known as the pregnancy that occurs in pregnant women who previously had diabetes, and disappears shortly after birth, although many of these women over the years may develop diabetes ..

   *Impaired fasting glucose: A pre-diabetes state in which we can not say that a person has diabetes but whose blood glucose level is not normal. Many may develop diabetes over time.

Impaired Glucose Tolerance: A situation similar to hyperglycemia but is detected after performing a blood glucose curve., Having an overload of 75 grams of glucose. People whose blood contains more glucose than normal but less than they have with diabetes, are said to have impaired glucose tolerance.

Other types of diabetes called secondary diabetes, are called secondary because they are owed something, due to diseases of the pancreas or endocrine (glandular), genetic diseases, or exposure to certain chemicals. There are many diseases that can cause diabetes, but more often it occurs due to certain medications that can raise blood glucose and removal of that back to normal.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Diabetes Disease | Is it serious?

Diabetes is a serious disease. Without proper treatment can damage the heart, kidneys, eyes and feet.

Unchecked, diabetes can cause serious long-term complications. The most important are:

     *Eye diseases that can lead to blindness.
     *Nephropathy (kidney damage), which can result in total failure of the kidneys.
     *Neuropathy (nerve damage), which, in combination with circulatory problems can cause ulcers in the legs and feet and gangrene, which in turn can lead to amputation.

       Cardiovascular disease, which affects the heart and blood vessels and can cause fatal complications such as coronary heart disease (resulting in myocardial infarction) and cerebral events (a common cause of disability and death among people with diabetes).

But people with diabetes can live long, healthy and happy if well controlled.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Diabetes and your feet
10/26/2009:: Diabetes

We diabetics have to take special care of our feet, or we can find them troubled in
Two ways: reduced blood circulation and nerve damage.

Here's what to look for and some prevention ideas.


If your feet are still cold, your legs are sore when you walk, or your feet hurt
In bed at night, you can suffer from poor blood circulation. This, in turn, may
Slow process of healing when you have cuts or other damage to your feet.


Staying physically active is one way to improve your circulation. You must also
Controlling your blood, fat and sugar levels, as well as your blood pressure. And
Obviously not smoke.


If your feet are numb, you have a burning sensation on the soles of your feet or legs
And needles in your feet, you have signs of possible nerve damage.

Foot nerves are the longest in our bodies and are therefore susceptible to damage
Of diabetes. If these nerves are damaged, the feelings are reduced so that we could
Do they have cuts or blisters that can lead to ulcers, and we would not even know


Check your feet regularly to be sure that there are no signs of injury. If you develop
Corns or calluses, get them treated immediately by a podiatrist. Wash and dry
Carefully between your toes and keep your nails trimmed and smooth.

Everyone likes to have their feet pampered, but for us diabetics it not only feels
Well, it also prevents serious health problems in the future. So book that foot
Massage now!
Diabetes - symptoms and cures10/26/2009:: Diabetes
Diabetes is of three main types - insulin-dependent diabetes or type 1-diabetes, non-insulin dependent diabetes or type 2-diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus. A person's eating habits and the virus can cause type 1-diabetes. Inheritance, obesity, hypertension, and lack of proper diet causes type 2-diabetes, which is very common.
The gestational diabetes mellitus is caused due to heredity, increased maternal age, obesity and a number of reasons. This may cause the mother to develop permanent diabetes. This property can be transferred to the child at a later age.
There are certain symptoms by which one can detect diabetes. Excessive urination, constant thirst, weight loss, excessive hunger, nausea, extreme fatigue, infections, irritability and fatigue are some of them.
Importance of insulin comes to light when a person suffers from diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that allows blood sugar or glucose to enter body cells. Diabetes affects a person's ability to make insulin. Because of diabetes, remains the glucose in the blood itself. This high sugar content in the blood can damage your eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.
Other than hereditary reasons, you can easily avoid type 2 diabetes by following a few simple steps. For those people who are overweight, reduce the number of consuming food. Overweight people are at risk of developing diabetes. Try to consume grilled or baked foods instead of fried food. Cut down on fatty foods. While food, check its glycemic index. When you drink milk, choose the skimmed milk instead of whole milk. Exercise is a very effective way to ensure that you live in a healthy way forever.
It is best to cure diabetes, before it attacks your health. To cure diabetes, it is important to know your symptoms. Extreme thirst not only for exercise and a walk in the warm air, but always is a symptom. Even after drinking water if you have a dry mouth if you have to urinate frequently, if you have unexpected weight loss, and you feel lethargic all the time, you should contact a physician. It could be a symptom of diabetes.
Blurred vision, slow healing wounds and sores, extreme itching or soreness in the genital or yeast infection can be other symptoms of diabetes. It is best to cure it before it develops fully and affects your body.
Two types of diabetes and how they differ10/28/2009:: Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes, which consists of type I and type II. It is important to understand the distinction between the two, and how both are treated.
Type 1 diabetes is commonly found in children and / or adolescents, but can also occur in adults. With type 1 diabetes, it is almost a complete lack of insulin. As a result, the most common treatment-insulin injections, a lifestyle that consists of both diet and exercise and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels using blood test screens. Patients who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes can continue to enjoy a normal life if they continue with their treatment and take precautions to follow their doctor's instructions and / or recommendation.
With type 2 diabetes, a person's insulin level is usually either normal or even elevated, but is not defective. This form of diabetes is believed to be more complex than type 1, but ironically believed to be easier to treat. Since insulin is still produced inside the body, type 2-diabetes often goes undetected for years. Symptoms are milder and may even be sporadic, often reduces the level of concern. The main problem with type 2-diabetes go unnoticed, the risk of serious complications including kidney failure and coronary artery disease. The initial phase of treatment of type 2-diabetes will likely include a lifestyle adaptation to function increased physical activity and a diet that is directed at weight loss. The next step, if necessary, will be medication and possibly insulin therapy if necessary.
Both types of diabetes requires a patient to maintain normal blood sugar levels in an attempt to reduce the risk of organ damage, including sight, kidney, blood circulation, etc. For this to occur, patients should carefully monitor their food intake and make sure to participate in regular exercise, all while continuing to control their blood sugar levels.
From 2006, there is no known cure for diabetes. A chronic disease that follows many, diabetes is best treated through patient education, nutrition, self-awareness and long-term care. Moreover, patients are often encouraged to be aware of other symptoms that may indicate complications from diabetes.
Contents of this Article shall be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used with or in place of professional medical advice regarding diabetes. This article may not be used as a basis to diagnose and treat diabetes, but rather an informational resource designed to explain the difference between the two types. For further information, a diagnosis or recommended treatment for diabetes, individuals should consult a qualified practitioner.
Diabetes symptoms: different kinds of symptoms to handle10/26/2009:: Diabetes
Diabetes symptoms: different kinds of symptoms to handle
Diagnosing diabetes symptoms can be difficult to identify at first, as the manifestations of the disease is progressive. Sometimes, because symptoms may also be shared with other diseases, can the real disease is overlooked. Diabetes symptoms can vary, the list can go on and on, but not everybody (diabetes patients) has them. There are even some cases, no symptoms may appear in some patients.
Diabetes occurs when the body's ability to respond to insulin is affected. The insulin is your body hormone that allows blood sugar (glucose) to enter body cells. When too much glucose into the blood, leading to raised levels of blood sugar, which can cause glucose spillage in the direction of urine. This is the primary cause of one of the most classic symptoms of diabetes, frequent urination, afflicting the patient.
Because high blood glucose level is longer than normal, your body cells are energy-hungry and thus leads to damage to your nerves, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels and your heart. The increased amount of glucose that appears when the sugar in the body drops too much. Then increases the production of sugar. This process starts when the pancreas releases the hormone glucagon. The stored glycogen will be converted back into glucose in the liver and muscles.
How are diabetes symptoms diagnosed?
Diagnosis of diabetes patients may vary and are based according to the duration and extent of the high blood sugar. Patients with type 2-diabetes is often diagnosed relatively slowly compared to people with type 1-diabetes as it can take only after weeks or some months. Symptoms may also progress slowly and mildly.
Some of the most practical and common early diabetes symptoms are:
- Skin irritation and diseases- Skin infections- Poor skin healing- Athlete's foot- Sexual problem- Unusual vaginal dryness- Erectile dysfunction (for male patients)- Early menopause (for female patients)- Absence of menstrual- Paraesthesia- Peripheral neuropathy- Urinary tract infection- Blurred vision- Malaise- Drowsiness- Numbness in hands- Weight loss or weight gain
Other more extreme diabetes symptoms are:
- Excessive urination- Excessive thirstiness- Dehydration- Weight loss even with an increased appetite- Fatigue, tiredness, nausea and vomiting- Great Hunger- More bladder, skin and vaginal infections- Severe blurred vision- Headache- Muscle pain, weakness and cramps- Acne- Increased sexual problems because of erectile failure in men and vaginal dryness for women- Cessation of menstruation
Other diabetes symptoms:
- Gum bleed- Excessive noise or buzzing in the ear- Feet numbness or tingling- Itching- Diarrhea- Confusion- Depression
Complications associated with diabetes symptoms:
- Kidney Disease- Diabetic retinopathy- Sciatica- Heart Disease and- Stroke
As these symptoms can occur at a later time to a patient, the usual situation is delayed planning check-up. This is not a good idea, as complications may increase over time, making it even harder to treat and manage disease. In this case it is very important to check with the doctor as early as possible to prevent more damage to the body. Second, it is important to note that diabetes is one of those life-long disease, and one that does not infect other people by contact.
Types of diabetes
10/28/2009:: Diabetes

American Diabetes Association adopted the following classification in 1979.

Type -1, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Type-2, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

There are two other forms of diabetes known as gestational diabetes and secondary diabetes. There is also a special form of diabetes in India called malnutrition related diabetes.

Type-1-insulin-dependent diabetes

This is the most serious form of diabetes. It develops when pancreas makes little or no insulin. Without insulin the blood sugar is not getting into the cells and accumulating in the blood. People with type 1 diabetes depend on injections of insulin to regulate their smaller metabolism.

Type-2 non insulin dependent diabetes

This form of diabetes is also known as adult diabetes. It rarely develops before the age of 40 years, although it can occur at any time. Infect the prevalence of type-2-diabetes in youth in the cause. But because the symptoms are milk, these may not notice, and the condition is discovered in a long period, and until later years.

A common factor in both type 1 and type-2 diabetes is elevated blood sugar. But in contrast to type 1 diabetes, type-2 is not a disease of the immune system. While people with type 1 diabetes need insulin to live, most of them with type-2 diabetes are able to control the disease and even reverse it. This is made possible by a combination of proper diet, proper weight control and adequate exercise.
Diabetes mellitus type 2 - symptoms, causes and treatment10/26/2009:: Diabetes
Specific areas of the pancreas gland Islands of Langerhans, produce the hormone insulin. This hormone is a protein of small size. Insulin stimulates muscle cells and other cells in the body to absorb glucose from the blood and convert glucose to glycogen, a kind of starch, and then store the glycogen. By using the body's cells convert glycogen into glucose and use it as fuel. In this way insulin keeps the glucose level in the blood of a normal size.
Of diabetes type 2, makes the cells in the body does not react properly by stimulation of insulin. Therefore do not take in enough glucose from the blood to keep it or use it as an energy source. This condition is called insulin resistance. The amount of glucose in the blood therefore rises. Also the insulin production can rise to regulate the glucose amount down, but this effort to reduce blood sugar is not effective enough. If the disease persists for many years, the insulin production tired out, so the amount of secreted insulin decreases.
Causes and mechanisms of diabetes type 2
The exact mechanism that causes the disease is not known. There may be an autoimmune response to insulin or molecules on cell surfaces that insulin connect. But these lifestyle factors cause the disease:
-Excessive consumption of sugar and fat-Over-weight-Also less exercise for many years.
Therefore diabetes type 2 can be prevented by a right diet and regular exercise.
When glucose uptake into body cells is reduced, but glucose instead accumulates in the blood, the following physiological effects occur:
-Cells of the body not getting enough fuel for the work they do.-The molecular thickness (osmality) in the blood rises. This causes water to be pulled out from the body tissues and into the bloodstream. Tissues thus get dried out and urine production increases.-The tissue begins to break down proteins and fat to get energy, leads to weight loss and muscular reduction.
Symptoms of diabetes type 2 is a consequence of these mechanisms.
Symptoms of diabetes type 2
Diabetes type 2 is the most common form of diabetes, actually 10 times more prevalent than type 1 diabetes where the insulin production is reduced or stopped. The disease usually appears after age 50, but the high sugar and fat consumption in Western countries today also get young people acquire the disease. Symptoms of diabetes type 2 appear gradually. Symptoms.
-Increased urine output-Dehydration, there is a shortage of water in the body-Abnormal thirst-Mouth-Increased appetiteSlow healing of physical injuries-Itchy skinInfections caused by yeast-Visual impairment
During the long trip, the disease can cause atherosclerosis in blood vessel narrowing, heart disease and stroke.
Treatment of diabetes type 2
Treatment of diabetes type 2 is usually diet with low sugar amount and weight loss. These measures will ease the burden on blood sugar control of the body, so it succeeds in normalizing blood sugar. If this does not work well enough that drugs lowering blood sugar is used.
If the insulin production is reduced, insulin injections are also used.
There are also natural products on the market that can help to normalize blood glucose in type 2 diabetes These products can not cure the disease but they can help the body regulate blood sugar. These products contain minerals that are working components of enzymes that stimulate glucose metabolism in the body. They also contain herbs that have been used for a long time in traditional medicine to regulate glucose levels and have proven their effectiveness in scientific studies.
Diabetic diet plans will help to combat diabetes
10/27/2009:: Diabetes

If you live with diabetes, one of the best ways to combat this disease with a diabetic diet plan. This diabetic diet plan is based on the recommended foods found on the diabetic food pyramid. By following the suggested meal plan, you will receive the proper amounts of nutrients recommended will ultimately help you fight disease.

Today there is a wide range of diabetic diet plans. Many physicians and researchers have researched and created countless plans for diabetics. They try to aim for foods that will be tasteful, but provide the proper amount of nutrients. We all know a diet is no fun when the food does not taste good!

Recent studies have shown an increase in diabetes over the last 10-20 years. With the large increase, it has created a huge demand for diabetic diet plans to help diabetics battle disesase. Since diabetes affects all types of people and different lifestlyes, many types of diabetic diet plans have been created to suit these different types of people.

Despite fluctuating lifestlyes many diabetic individuals, all have a common goal. This objective is to fight this disease by using a diabetic diet plan. With the right amounts of nutrients, individuals can make progress against diabetes.
Type 2 pre-diabetes or vulnerable? Put a type 2 diabetes08/29/2009:: Miscellaneous
Type 2 pre-diabetes or vulnerable? Put a type 2 diabetes prevention program to work for you now!
Type 2-diabetes is rampant in the U.S. Even children are now being diagnosed with type 2-diabetes, which used to be called 'adult onset' diabetes. It is known that certain ethnic groups such as Native Americans and African Americans have statistically higher than other ethnic groups. This disease also tends to run in families.
If you have a family history of diabetes or are genetically vulnerable, you'd be smart to put a type 2 diabetes prevention program in place now. Doctors say that the cause of this condition is unknown. But so many studies show that most of the people who develop type 2-diabetes, eating a diet that is filled with sugar, together with an excess of the wrong kind of carbs. This seems to point the finger at diet and sugar, in particular, as likely culprits.
It is interesting to note that the sugar was almost unknown in traditional Native American and African diets. In fact, people who emigrate to the United States from a region where sugar is used very little (type 2-diabetes is relatively non-existent among these people) and adapt to the Western diet, quite often develop type 2 diabetes.
Such a program can be considered as a preventive step. After all, when you're diagnosed, your doctor will place you on a diet, just trying to keep pace with insulin management and damage control. You'll be counting carbs every time you sit down to eat. So working towards a type 2 diabetes prevention diet style is probably a good idea. You can never have a diagnosis of type 2 as a direct result.
Eating three large meals a day are far more taxing on your pancreas than five or six small meals. The pancreas helps the body metabolize food and regulate insulin, so it's clear that your pancreatic function will be healthier if you give it a break.
Kidney disease and deterioration go hand in hand with diabetes. This makes drinking lots of water on a daily basis a good practice for your type 2 diabetes prevention program. Water flushes your kidneys of toxins, so keep them healthy.
Anyone diagnosed with type 2-diabetes is a sugar fan. Soda is one of the most popular drinks with sweet things like candy, not far behind. Try to cut your sugar intake. If you drink three sodas a day, cut back to two, one. All food and drinks with refined sugar is bad for you! Try replacing a piece of cake with a piece of fruit or yogurt. Gradually reduce your sugar. Your body will adapt to the new scheme of things beneficial to your health.
The fiber found in fruits and vegetables will keep your digestive system in good health. The antioxidant vitamins and minerals that are valuable in cancer prevention too. The fibers also flushes toxins from your body. As you improve your overall health, and such type 2 diabetes prevention strategies, all of your metabolic functions better.
Doctors stress the importance of exercise for diabetes patients. Poor circulation is a signature of diabetes and may exacerbate some of the complications of type 2-diabetes, such as nerve damage. So begins a regular exercise program now rather than later.
Do not wait until you get a type 2-diagnosis. Use these guidelines to formulate a sensible type 2 diabetes prevention regimen. You will certainly be healthier and you may never develop this difficult and life-threatening condition.
ype 2 diabetes: Is it possible to prevent diabetes?08/23/2009:: Miscellaneous
The prevalence of type 2-diabetes is far more widespread than it was just a few decades ago. Adult onset diabetes (type 2) are now being diagnosed in children, teenagers and young adults. Whereas type 2-diabetes used to be regarded as an older person's disease, this is no longer true. With childhood obesity is rising and it is reasonable to make a connection between diet and weight as contributing factors.
If you are overweight, eat poorly and live a sedentary lifestyle, you may be setting yourself up for diabetes, whatever your age. If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, or have other risk factors such as a genetic predisposition to diabetes, a family history or have developed diabetes during pregnancy, it is especially important that you take steps to prevent diabetes. Here are some guidelines on what steps you must take to prevent diabetes.
In a recent large study that followed patients' health records over one hundred and six years, it was concluded that being overweight was perhaps more important than exercise in preventing diabetes. Women with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 were 28 times more likely to develop type 2-diabetes than women with normal weight and BMI. Patients who were overweight, but exercised 3-4 hours per day, five days each week, there were still 11 times more likely to develop diabetes than their lean counterparts without a regular exercise program.
That's not to say that you should not exercise, but instead suggest that if you are overweight, weight loss should be the primary goal of preventing diabetes. Reach a normal weight and BMI will exponentially reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Incorporate a regular exercise program does not necessarily mean this will directly prevent diabetes, but you'll burn extra calories and improve your cardiovascular function and circulation, which are typical complications of type 2 diabetes.
Whichever diet program you choose, begin switching to whole, preferably organic foods rich in complex carbohydrates (those that degrade slowly), with plenty of fruits and veggies, low fat and high in fiber. Nutrient Sensitive dense foods that should be your first choice. If you eat meat, go for smaller portions of organically raised meat that contains no growth hormones. Processed foods contain large quantities of chemicals, preservatives, dyes and other food additives, along with large quantities of salt and sugar. Read the labels and see for yourself. When your goal is to prevent diabetes, these foods will contribute to a pre-diabetic state, eventually. Convenience, they offer are not worth the risk!
One of the most important steps you can take to prevent diabetes is to limit your sugar intake. In type 2 diabetes, your body can no longer effectively manage insulin production. If you're a big soda fan or dessert freak, your system is constantly taxed by large sugar spikes that can literally wear out the body's ability to manage your blood sugar. If you must drink sodas, you should look for some new products that are made with Splenda (R) instead of sugar. Although I rarely drink soda, I've tried these Splenda (R) drinks and they do taste just like sugar without the funny aftertaste of the regular diet soda. Try to use this sugar to sweeten coffee or lemonade and substitute Splenda (R) in recipes that call for sugar.
When you consider that processed convenience foods were less abundant three decades ago, when they are today, that these foods are probably contributing culprit in the rise of diabetes cases and the increased prevalence of obesity in children and adults. Preventing diabetes, get good food habits. Get your kids into healthy eating habits too. Good health is worth its weight in gold!
All About Diabetes: symptoms, causes, types.10/25/2009:: Diabetes
While talking about diabetes, you may be intimidated by the idea that you can have it. Or maybe you can have it in the future. You want to know if you are at risk of developing diabetes and anxious you are looking to find if you have diabetes symptom.
Diabetes affects the way the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits.
Diabetes is a serious disease. But the surprising truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This disease is a condition where the body is unable to automatically regulate blood sugar, resulting in too much glucose (a sugar) in blood. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans.
Actually, there are no clear symptoms of diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are:
- There are constantly thirsty- Frequent urination- Increased hunger- Feeling constantly tired, have an overwhelming fatigue,
On the other hand, there are some other symptoms of diabetes, which is prescribed as diabetic complications in reality. These symptoms are:
- Visual disturbances;- Recurrent skin infections are very difficult to heal;- Tingling or numbness you feel in your extremities;- Gum disease;- Hair loss and many others.
There are two types of diabetes.
Type I diabetes (juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes): the cause of Type I diabetes is caused unability pancreas to produce insulin.
Type II diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes or adult diabetes): This diabetes is a result of body tissues becoming resistant to insulin. It is usually hereditary.
Type 2-diabetes is more common than type 1-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood. Conditions associated with type 2-diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2-diabetes may account for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Up to two thirds of people with type 2-diabetes have no symptoms. Obesity is the major risk factor for type 2-diabetes. It is estimated that 20% of all cases of new onset type 2-diabetes in people aged 9-19. The more you know about type 2-diabetes, the more you will be able to take the right steps to take control of your state.
If neglected, diabetes can lead to various complications such as damage to kidneys, heart disease, nerve damage, hypoglycemia (drastic reduction in blood glucose levels). Diabetes is a serious disease and there is no treatment for it. But it can be brought under control by proper diabetes diet.

Diabetes is a condition featuring unusually high levels of glucose in the blood. Insulin, produced by the pancreas that is used by the body to lower blood sugar levels. If anyone has pancreas does not produce enough insulin, their body will develop diabetes.
A short list of symptoms of diabetes would include severe hunger and thirst, more urge to urinate, and fatigue. But the surest way to know if you have diabetes is a blood sugar test, also known as a glucose tolerance test.
Type 1 diabetes is more acute form. It is typically treated with special dietary restrictions, exercise and occasionally with insulin. Type 1 diabetes usually will be treated with special diet, exercise, and weight loss before insulin is added. This form of diabetes is considered an insulin-dependent disease.
A less serious form of diabetes, type 2-diabetes is first treated with a diabetic diet,Exercise and weight loss. If theses measures fail to control blood sugar and insulin levels, oral medications are added. Insulin is then finally considered if these have been successful. Type 2-diabetes, which usually occurs in adults who are middle aged or older, which is why it is called late-onset diabetes in this case, he pancreas still produces the right levels of insulin but the body has become resistant to it.
It is possible to delay the onset of type 2-diabetes if it runs in families. Through losing weight, getting the right amount of exercise and control your diet, you can manage. If type 2-diabetes is not treated, eventually the same complications can occur as those seen in type 1-diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is seen in pregnant women. Usually disappears after the birth of the child, however, that the mother stabilize blood sugar would reduce the risk of complications for the baby as well as mother.
Juvenile diabetes is another major form of diabetes that affects many children. It is believed to be an incipient type 1-diabetes. If a child shows even a few of the symptoms of diabetes, it is essential that they be checked by a doctor. It is estimated that over two million adolescents are in the pre-diabetes stage. This is mainly due to being overweight. In this condition, blood glucose is high but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Teens usually develop it between ages 12 and 19
Diabetic diet plans will help to combat diabetes
10/27/2009:: Diabetes

If you live with diabetes, one of the best ways to combat this disease with a diabetic diet plan. This diabetic diet plan is based on the recommended foods found on the diabetic food pyramid. By following the suggested meal plan, you will receive the proper amounts of nutrients recommended will ultimately help you fight disease.

Today there is a wide range of diabetic diet plans. Many physicians and researchers have researched and created countless plans for diabetics. They try to aim for foods that will be tasteful, but provide the proper amount of nutrients. We all know a diet is no fun when the food does not taste good!

Recent studies have shown an increase in diabetes over the last 10-20 years. With the large increase, it has created a huge demand for diabetic diet plans to help diabetics battle disesase. Since diabetes affects all types of people and different lifestlyes, many types of diabetic diet plans have been created to suit these different types of people.

Despite fluctuating lifestlyes many diabetic individuals, all have a common goal. This objective is to fight this disease by using a diabetic diet plan. With the right amounts of nutrients, individuals can make progress against diabetes