Friday, April 29, 2011

Diabetes Symptoms And Signs | Lets Know Diabetes Symptoms And Signs

Diabetes Symptoms And Signs | Lets Know Diabetes Symptoms And Signs
The onset of type 1 diabetes is often sudden and dramatic and may include symptoms related to elevated blood sugar, such as:

1.  Polyuria: For glucose to be eliminated in the urine is needed to dissolve significant quantities of water. For this reason, when people with diabetes have high blood sugar levels, urinate frequently and in large quantities. This effect is called polyuria.
2.  Polydipsia: The loss of water through the urine stimulates the brain to send a message of "thirst." The person with diabetes is very thirsty, even at night. This symptom is called polydipsia.
3.  Polyphagia: Not to be metabolized glucose, the cells call "energy" and the body tries to compensate by increasing the amount of food eaten. This increase in appetite is known as polyphagia.
4.Weight loss and fatigue: Although individuals with diabetes to eat more, the cells do not have enough energy, giving rise to the mobilization of reserve energy and therefore produce weight loss due to the high oxidation of fat.
In addition to these symptoms in the analysis done we find hyperglycemia, glucosuria and ketonuria sometimes.
1. Hyperglycemia: The term we mean glycemia circulating blood glucose. And we use the word hyperglycemia when we say sugar levels are elevated in the blood.
2. Glycosuria: When glucose in the blood rises above a certain level, it appears in the urine. This presence is called glucosuria.
3.Cells in the absence of "energy" provided by glucose enough, you have to use the energy it gets from the burning of fat. The waste of this energy are the ketones that are excreted in the urine. This is called ketonuria.

People with diabetes experience different symptoms, depending on the degree of hyperglycemia present. When sugar is controlled (normal blood sugar levels and normoglycemia) the person is without symptoms. In case of mild hyperglycemia may not notice symptoms, a situation common in the onset of type 2 diabetes, which may well go unnoticed for years before being diagnosed.
Other symptoms that can describe people with diabetes:
1. Sometimes, infections can occur in the skin because the excess sugar in the blood suppresses the body's natural defenses such as the role of white blood cells. In addition, sugar provides an excellent food for bacteria to grow.
2. The leg cramps at night and feel asleep or tingling feet can be the result of nerve damage caused by high glucose levels for prolonged periods, which thus causes changes in the nerves.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Diabetes mellitus
Better care for the chronically ill: Chronicles program BKK MedPlus for diabetes mellitus "
BKK MedPlus is the hallmark of disease management programs, the so-called disease management programs. Through better coordination and cooperation among the parties patient, doctor and hospital, we want to improve the treatment of chronically ill insured term.

What exactly is diabetes?Just as an engine of fuel, our body needs sugar for energy. Normally this energy the cell body via the blood circulation with the help of insulin is provided. Insulin is necessary for the transition of the sugar from the bloodstream into the cell. If insulin is not in the body is present in sufficient quantity, the sugar accumulates in the blood and inevitably, is missing in the individual cells as an energy supplier. From the "national disease" Diabetes mellitus, in colloquial language also known as diabetes, more than 5% of the population are affected. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which there is a mismatch between the insulin produced by the body and its actual need for insulin.
Diabetes occurs predominantly in two forms (type I and type II). The form of diabetes Type I is common in young age and is usually caused by insulin deficiency, ie, the body produces no insulin. Typical symptoms include fatigue, increased urination and frequent drinking. While suffering from diabetes type I, less than 1% of the population, the proportion with type II diabetes about 5%. In addition, one starts with a large number of yet unknown diseases. A non-or inadequately treated diabetes mellitus over the years of its existence to changes in blood vessels throughout the body. Harmed by the resulting circulatory problems especially brain, heart, kidneys and eyes.

Diabetes accompanied the victims for the rest of their livesDiabetes is not curable. But late effects and symptoms can be controlled by the best medical care and prevented or reduced. When diabetics are properly adjusted and take into account medical and they even know their habits and they can lead a normal life. Important is the acceptance of the disease and willingness to manage them actively. To successful management of diabetes mellitus is an active self-management. To achieve this, the patient information that make him everyday for his individual actions competently. Not only the best medical treatment alone results in a good state of the patient in everyday life, more important is the flexible adjustment to individual habits and the patient's ability to recognize emergency situations early and to respond accordingly.
An optimal medical treatment requires clinical experience of the physician taking into account the latest medical findings. For most doctors it is now difficult to keep beside the daily operations of all new scientific developments are promptly informed. Therefore, there is currently still in diabetes treatment and supply deficits. New scientific findings often remain ignored, and the complex disease is a risk that uncoordinated made the medical procedures. Today, family doctors, specialists, hospitals, dieticians, chiropodists, etc. often side by side. Examinations and appointments are not matched, not sharing information. For the optimal treatment of this disease would be an organized precisely to this illness structured coordinated care.

BKK MedPlus improve the quality of careBKK MedPlus will improve the care of diabetics - for example through improved cooperation among the parties (patient, doctor and hospital) - and allow the chronically ill in the situation, self-determined to deal with their illness. It was developed for BKK-insured is a structured treatment program that is specifically tailored to the disease diabetes mellitus. Basis for the diagnosis and treatment of professionals are systematically developed recommendations based on the latest scientific findings. For medical treatment, concrete proposals regarding the process, added to the tests and the drugs, and it is said, when to consult specialists.

For more information ...

Stay informed about diabetes. The more you know, the better able to care.
From a health standpoint, it is essential to educate patients to control their diabetes properly, it can lead to other diseases as or more important than the diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, retinopathy (eye infection that can lead to blindness) and nephropathy (kidney disease). Most of the complications of diabetes can be prevented. The following are key points to discuss them with your healthcare team:

1. The measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) or a similar test every 3-6 months (this test shows your blood glucose control of the previous 2-3 months)
2. Measuring blood pressure levels at least every 3 months
3. The determination of serum cholesterol at least once a year.
4. The determination of the numbers of microalbuminuria at least once a year (this test for the presence of protein in urine, a sign of kidney)
5. The exploration of your feet to assess the tenderness of a plastic called monofilament thread every year (this test looks for peripheral nerve involvement). It is also important to the assessment of deformities or lesions (sores, dryness, calluses ...) at each visit
6. The fundus examination at least once a year
7. If you smoke, to assess methods of smoking cessation
8. The opportunity to learn more about diabetes, assessing blood glucose records together, talking about healthy food, adequate technical review of self-analysis or injection of insulin, exploring ways to prevent or treat hypo-or hyperglycemic decompensation ...
(Adapted from the ADA. Check list for Preventing Complications. Resource Guide 2000)
We can not forget the role that develop diabetes associations By joining organizations, you will gain access to a network that can provide you with the latest information on research and treatment of diabetes. You can link to a list of associations in Andalusia by clicking on:
Through the Internet can obtain more information, but keep in mind that Internet information is good and bad quality. Must focus on obtaining information from those sites that may provide some measure of assurance. Some sites where you can get good information:

Can it be prevented?

Diabetes affects 6% of the population. The chances of developing diabetes increases as a person grows older, so that for over seventy years, have about 15% of people.
Anyone, regardless of location or age, may have diabetes. Obesity or a family history of diabetes may increase the risk.
There are two main factors involved in the development of diabetes: genetic and environmental factors.
Type 1 diabetes is caused by inability to produce insulin by beta cells self-destruct. Why these cells are destroyed? The body of a healthy person has defense mechanisms that make when a foreign agent, virus, bacteria, etc.., Enters the body, identify it as foreign and destroy it. When all these defense systems is called the immune system. There are people being in contact with a virus or other substances, they attack the beta cells are not destroyed, but altered a bit, so they are not recognized by the immune system itself, which recognizes them as foreign and attacked with a substance called ICA (antibodies against islet cells). It is unknown why the same virus can, in some people, to attack the beta cells and make them unknown to the defense system and does not affect other cells. It is said that some people have a genetic predisposition and, therefore, in contact with the virus, altered beta cells that are attacked by its defense system and trigger the diabetes. The risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus in the general population is <1%. This risk increases if you have family members affected (see table)
Even today there is no known effective strategy to prevent this type of diabetes, although several research studies to try to develop solutions.
Familial risk of developing type 1 diabetes depending on the degree of relationship.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease is growing fastest in the world. This relates in part to the growth and aging: The frequency of diabetes is much higher above age 45. But there are other genetic and environmental factors also play a role:


Genetic factors. Is called a strong genetic component in type 2 diabetics. The genetic basis of the most common form remains unknown. It is possible that multiple genes involved. In the following table we can see the approximate risk of developing type 2 diabetes in first degree

Environmental factors. These environmental factors are modifiable risk factors and therefore play a leading role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Today we know that type 2 diabetes can be prevented if we act on these modifiable risk factors

Obesity. The risk of developing diabetes increases continuously with obesity, and is about 5-10 times higher in obese than in nonobese.

Dietary factors. People with high intake of total fat and saturated fat has increased the risk of diabetes. The reduction of these fats in the diet reduces the risk of diabetes.
Physical Activity
Several studies have shown that physical activity plays a protective role against the occurrence of diabetes in both adults and the elderly, but in obese than in nonobese. It has been estimated that people who exercise have a 30-60% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who do not. The risk decreases with increasing frequency and intensity of physical activity.


Snuff, there are epidemiological studies that associate snuff with the development of diabetes: The snuff is involved among several factors that can increase insulin resistance and may interfere with the action of insulin.

Gestational Diabetes (DG) increases the risk of developing diabetes among women in the short, medium and long term.

Glucose Intolerance (GI) occupies an area of ​​interest, because not only will represent the first step in onset of diabetes and therefore timely preventive intervention but also is increasingly proven its relationship with cardiovascular disease which we know is the underlying cause of death in these patients. It has been demonstrated in the lifestyle intervention (diet and / or physical activity) in people with GAD reduces the incidence of DM2.

Is there a cure?

 No, there is no easy cure for most people. Some people could be cured by transplants of insulin-producing cells, but there are significant risks associated with the surgical technique and immunosuppressive drugs must be taken later.

Although there is still no cure for diabetes, it can be controlled, since there are effective treatments. The main goal of treatment is to keep levels of blood sugar (glucose) as near as possible normal range (70 to 110 mg / dl) during tiempo.Si Most people with diabetes have access with proper medication, and knows how to take care, from a good medical advice can lead a healthy and active life.